i have thinking of writing my blog in taglish, a combination of "tagalog" and english language. i suggested the idea to "things in life" and she said it is a good idea. it will benefit not only those bloggers who could read "tagalog" and also to non-speaking tagalog bloggers who will be induce to read and understand what the word meant. so from here on i'll be writing in "taglish".
last year at this time, i was in the philippines attending my 40th high school reunion. health wise, i was good for the first week of my stay. during the night of the reunion, there was a dish that was part of the courses that turned my whole stay into a dreadful experience.
as i recall, months before the reunion, i was trying to lose 10 lbs. from my weight so i'll be looking good for those classmates that i haven't seen after our high school graduation. after the night of the reunion, i was in bed for almost a week suffering from "food poisoning". it took me only a week, i lost more than 10 lbs.
if it is not for that incident, my short stay could have been a joyous experience.
i always take my holidays at this time of the year. i just don't want to get near shopping malls. and if i do so, i'll do it first thing in the morning.
friends of the commander-in-chief wants to order five of my ham each. mind you, i could dictate how much i want for it. i just don't want to do it because i feel that if i started selling it, it will be commercialized. lets just leave it the way it is, "personal and labour of love " is always attach on each of my ham.
i hope that the canadian economy will rebound quickly from this slight turn around of events. it will be a little bit rewarding if the employer will give you some sort of a severance package for those people whose job became of a redundacy instead of escorting an employee out of the building. some employee take it personal when they got demoted from their job instead to be thankful of what they have rather lining up with UIC.
on the sad note, my brother in law- pat, passed away the day before the american thanksgiving. last year before christmas, he fell in and was given the "last rites". he survived and went on remission. he was able to enjoy the company of his family thru travels and was able to attend tim and lou's wedding last september. he was able to prepare himself mentally, emotionally and most of all SPIRITUALLY.
pat was a very generous person especially to my commander in chief. it was unfortunate that the commander in chief was not at his side in his dying hours (not like last year) and also during the interment due to unpreventable health issues. nawa'y ang Ama at Panginoon bigyan siya ng walang hanggang katahimikan.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
last sunday, my parents celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary at their senior's apt. rec. room. most of the grandchildren were there except tim and lou who happens to be in barbados for their long anticipated honeymoon. everybody brought dishes that everybody could partake.
poleng prepared her specialty "kare-kare" and "bopis" which was cooked one very spicy and a regular. i was able to take some home and that was my dinner the next day.
during the party, the siblings had a discussion re the situation facing mom and dad about their apt. which as of writing is being fumelgated every 10 days for bed bugs which is rampant on seniors home not only in the city but as far as ottawa. it was agreed that the siblings will take turns in looking after mom for one week. dad is staying foot at my sister nita's place while mom will be moving from one house to another until their apt is out of bugs and livable.
my godson christopher, who works at future shop, bought me a discounted computer tower for $200 which include keyboard and a mouse. the hard drive has 360gb and the memory has 3072mb. i really don't know much about computer but when i told my teacher "tracy" the price and size of the hard drive, she too said it was a good buy.
computer is just like a car, every year there is always a new upgraded model. mind you, my old computer still works but you have to wait for about 15 minutes before it warms up and takes command what you want him to do. it is just like a guy i know that he needs his first shot of caffeine before anything else in the morning or else he will be in the mood like a woman with her monthly visit.
on the sad note, i wish my friend who is currently admitted at north york hospital pull through and recover from his present condition. may the healing grace of our Almighty God shines upon him.
poleng prepared her specialty "kare-kare" and "bopis" which was cooked one very spicy and a regular. i was able to take some home and that was my dinner the next day.
during the party, the siblings had a discussion re the situation facing mom and dad about their apt. which as of writing is being fumelgated every 10 days for bed bugs which is rampant on seniors home not only in the city but as far as ottawa. it was agreed that the siblings will take turns in looking after mom for one week. dad is staying foot at my sister nita's place while mom will be moving from one house to another until their apt is out of bugs and livable.
my godson christopher, who works at future shop, bought me a discounted computer tower for $200 which include keyboard and a mouse. the hard drive has 360gb and the memory has 3072mb. i really don't know much about computer but when i told my teacher "tracy" the price and size of the hard drive, she too said it was a good buy.
computer is just like a car, every year there is always a new upgraded model. mind you, my old computer still works but you have to wait for about 15 minutes before it warms up and takes command what you want him to do. it is just like a guy i know that he needs his first shot of caffeine before anything else in the morning or else he will be in the mood like a woman with her monthly visit.
on the sad note, i wish my friend who is currently admitted at north york hospital pull through and recover from his present condition. may the healing grace of our Almighty God shines upon him.
Saturday, October 25, 2008

last oct. 16 -20 the "neck" and her siblings met in last vegas for the celebration of ate babes and her b-day. i was fortunate not only that i got invited for the celebration but also accepted the title the "back up", financially for the neck. as you know, i'm the chief executive and financial officer of our household while she earned the title of the "chief disbursing officer".
we almost not made it in las vegas due to the "neck" sudden change of health on the eve of our departure. fortunately, we were able to contact her former boss who is a doctor and he called "shoppers" for the prescription drug that she requires. it was almost closing time when i was at the counter receiving her prescription. thanks to you tony.
we've been to las vegas so many times now and we haven't been to grand canyon. so as soon as we arrived that afternoon of oct. 16, i phoned that place that the "lonely travellers" recommended for the tour. the "neck" didn't make it to the tour due to her condition that time, so i was by myself among the passengers who went in pairs.
it was a beautiful experience especially walking to that west rim "skywalk". it cost me $38us extra to have that walk on that glass and seeing whats below me. some people will think twice before they will take that option but since i'm already there, i took the option so i won't deny myself and got no disappointment of my expectations of the grand canyon.
it was a whole day affair. we left the bus depot at 8:30am and came back to the hotel almost 8pm. going home, our bus broke down in the middle of the dessert so another bus has to come. it was frustrating since we left grand canyon early. we were stranded for two hours. as soon as i reached our room, there was a note left by the "neck" that i'm suppose to follow the "group" at venetian hotel inside the tao restaurant.
the food in "tao" is excellent. the place is suited and designed for the young. the amount of food that we ordered and the bill that we paid, personally, i rather go to magic wok. the food at "wynn's buffet" is almost identical to the one we ordered at "tao". it was my former hs classmate and friend, buddy jose and wife, rosie, who brought us to wynn. it cost $40/person for the buffet and there is a wide selection of food.
oct. 20, i met my first cousin bembi, who i haven't seen for 30 years. he treated us for brunch at rio's. we met his wife annie for the first time. they have six gasoline stations and convenience stores spread out as far as boulder city. it was annie who brought us to the premium outlet after brunch, the neck and belen went shopping.
we catched the red eye flight to chicago and arrived toronto next morning at 9am.
during our absence, our furnish and air conditioner were finally RELOCATED to their proper places. i thought it will be done by spring of next year which i mistakenly predicted. the furnish is in high efficiency mode while the airconditioner is still disable waiting to be charged up and hooked up electrically. thanks to tim and co worker for job well done. i'm just waiting for a new programmable thermostat to be installed and cover for my disable air conditioner.
Friday, September 26, 2008
i'm just taking my sweet time right now whatever i intend to do before the big wedding which i was not able to accomplish. i'm making a things to do list in winter so aside taking our two four legged son and daughter for their evening walk, i got something else lined up.
me and the "neck" (new term for the commander-in-chief) were so busy entertaining the people from the west coast before and after the wedding. when they left and i returned from my two weeks holiday, the only thing that i want to do then was to take a nap in every way i can and hit the sack as early as i could. i think we should get at least 99% for hospitality.
we invited eric b and his family from california plus the cruzada of course for a dinner at our place. as usual, everyone's favorite "crispy pata" were there. i did promise eric when we were in california that when i come back that i'll cook "crispy pata" for him to taste. in truth, "crispy pata" is so hard to make. there are so many preparations to make. it is just like the x'mas ham. and speaking of ham, it will be around again in the next two months from now.
as you all know, i had a deck built just this summer. it was big and made my house looks longer. i'm just waiting for the hot weather again so i could put a sealer on it.
when the deck was built last may, tim, the new head of the family, removed our air condition to make way for wider deck and it will be RELOCATED to the other side of the house. it is officially "fall season" now, there is a new air condition and furnace for the house which at the present time, both RELOCATED at the garage to be RELOCATED eventually to the other side of the house. only time will tell. i may be wrong, but i have this hint that it might be
RELOCATED sometime in spring HOPEFULLY!!!
this year it will be my turn to be treated for a nice "magic wok" dinner for picking boston celtics as the nba champ. one of the "treaters" predicted that the team that he is going to pick this year will be the next nba champ and hoping to be treated next year. so i said that my prediction is that i will be treated for sure first at "magic wok" before him.
grandma had an episode of blackout one morning. if it was not for the quick thinking of grandpa i think grandma had signed off. he gave grandma mouth to mouth resuscitation to revive her. after 3 tries, grandma were revived. jokingly, i told grandma that good thing her false teeth didn't interchange with grandpa during the resuscitation process. she is getting better now and hopefully it will continue.
we are closing another month in the calender and hoping i will be able to blog in three to four weeks time.
me and the "neck" (new term for the commander-in-chief) were so busy entertaining the people from the west coast before and after the wedding. when they left and i returned from my two weeks holiday, the only thing that i want to do then was to take a nap in every way i can and hit the sack as early as i could. i think we should get at least 99% for hospitality.
we invited eric b and his family from california plus the cruzada of course for a dinner at our place. as usual, everyone's favorite "crispy pata" were there. i did promise eric when we were in california that when i come back that i'll cook "crispy pata" for him to taste. in truth, "crispy pata" is so hard to make. there are so many preparations to make. it is just like the x'mas ham. and speaking of ham, it will be around again in the next two months from now.
as you all know, i had a deck built just this summer. it was big and made my house looks longer. i'm just waiting for the hot weather again so i could put a sealer on it.
when the deck was built last may, tim, the new head of the family, removed our air condition to make way for wider deck and it will be RELOCATED to the other side of the house. it is officially "fall season" now, there is a new air condition and furnace for the house which at the present time, both RELOCATED at the garage to be RELOCATED eventually to the other side of the house. only time will tell. i may be wrong, but i have this hint that it might be
RELOCATED sometime in spring HOPEFULLY!!!
this year it will be my turn to be treated for a nice "magic wok" dinner for picking boston celtics as the nba champ. one of the "treaters" predicted that the team that he is going to pick this year will be the next nba champ and hoping to be treated next year. so i said that my prediction is that i will be treated for sure first at "magic wok" before him.
grandma had an episode of blackout one morning. if it was not for the quick thinking of grandpa i think grandma had signed off. he gave grandma mouth to mouth resuscitation to revive her. after 3 tries, grandma were revived. jokingly, i told grandma that good thing her false teeth didn't interchange with grandpa during the resuscitation process. she is getting better now and hopefully it will continue.
we are closing another month in the calender and hoping i will be able to blog in three to four weeks time.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
dad's b-day
it just shows you that what ever you did during your younger years to your self, the result at the end will give you what you planted.
it is safe to say that dad did not abuse his body during his youthful years. he smoked but quit when he was ahead, drinks when pride was at stake hit the sack at least by 10pm if there is no party scheduled.
tomorrow all the children and grandchildren will be at their party room to celebrate his 90th b-day. the mama's (ate bernic, ate nits and my commander-in-chief) are in-charge for the food preparation. there will be some visitors from the pillar's association (dad's organization) and there will be a surprise visitors from chicago, uncle bien and ate gloria (dad's remaining brother).
i really don't know how my dad will react. it has been years now since my uncle came over for a visit. i think it will be an emotional reunion not only for my dad but also for my mom, who is not in the best of health lately. they haven't seen this couple for some time now and i know uncle bien and ate gloria will be excited to see them also. it will be nice to hear beautiful stories that happenned long time ago one more time.
i hope dad will live up to 100 years. ninety is already a milestone and i don't want to miss this. i will be LONELY [TRAVELLER'S] if i won't be a part of this occassion no matter what. nobody knows what is instore for tomorrow and we will be all blessed if we could reach the age of ninety still capable of doing things that we like to do even though we are in the twilight of our time.
as ella would say [6 months ago] "great granddad amidst the gifts".
happy b-day dad!
Sunday, August 3, 2008

we just came back from our 10-day vacation from california. actually, it was a vacation and at the same unite with the commander-in-chief siblings. i was honored and humbled also that i was chosen to be one of the sponsors at marie and james' wedding which was held last july 19.
james is the commander-in-chief nephew and it was way back 1999 when he first met marie during our 25th wedding anniversary. i think it was love at first sight. they walked around my neighborhood so many times that night after the celebration and they don't seem to care even though the weather then was cold. frank (marie's dad) was going around in a circle for two hours looking for her. nobody seems to know. marie's circle of friends were playing see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.
so many things happened during the course of their courtship. it was a test of how strong their relationship. and at the end, great love for one another prevails.
we went to las vegas in between our holidays. ate babes and ray were the winners while belen, the commander and myself were not fortunate enough. i'm not that fortunate when it comes to casino. it seems to me i have this mole around my behind. if ever i go back in vegas in the near distant future it will not be on their hot weather months. i just can't handle hot and humid temperature. maybe next time, i will make sure that i'll schedule myself for a"grand canyon" trip.
friday, july 25, a milestone b-day celebration of the four siblings of the commander. ate rose-65, lynne-60, eric-55 and dennis-50. it was held in one of oakland's golf country club. belen was the emcee that evening and she did a good job. an extenporaneous speaker just like my commander in chief when she does her adlib when she is mad at me.
it was a reunion of siblings and family and it could have been more joyous if my mother-in-law and brother-in law, cito from texas could have made it to the occasion. milestone celebration comes only once.
saturday, july 26, everybody still had their hang over. i met my h.s classmates and friends in pacific asia rest. in hayward for a mini reunion. the lovebirds - ogie and naomi, danny and jean were able to come. it was nice to see them again after we reunite in san francisco two years ago. they all agreed that the next time we see each other will be in toronto. i think i could handle that.
we arrived from california monday, july 28 at 1 am. i was able to report to work on that day even though my sleeping pattern has changed. next time, i'll make sure that i'll be off the day before i go back to work after a holiday.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
i'm halfway done in painting the basement. i used the same color that i painted the whole house except the bedrooms. i like to finish this project plus cleaning and painting the floors of the laundry room before we head to san francisco this july 17. we will be attending the wedding of marie and james on july 19 and i'll be one of the sponsors.
before that week, the shingles on the roof will be removed and replaced. its been twenty years and i think it is about time for a replacement. i have experienced of having a leaky roof and it was not a very pleasant experience especially when it is raining very hard.
the deck has been installed and i'm just waiting for the weather to warm up and i'll be sealing it.
if i could only get the chance of clearing all the debris during the installation of the deck, i thinks it will look even better. i got so many things and plans for the outside but i could only do it after work and weekends. i'm just hoping my place will be ready before sept. l.
before that week, the shingles on the roof will be removed and replaced. its been twenty years and i think it is about time for a replacement. i have experienced of having a leaky roof and it was not a very pleasant experience especially when it is raining very hard.
the deck has been installed and i'm just waiting for the weather to warm up and i'll be sealing it.
if i could only get the chance of clearing all the debris during the installation of the deck, i thinks it will look even better. i got so many things and plans for the outside but i could only do it after work and weekends. i'm just hoping my place will be ready before sept. l.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
what's up
it has been awhile since i logged in at my blog. i do apologize.
after the kitchen has been renovated, the commander in chief and i went to a southern caribbean cruise. we flew to san juan, puerto rico last may 10 and went around the place. there is similarity with the old quebec to san juan. during our short stay in san juan, we passed by a souvenir store by the tourist area and bought t-shirts. the proprietor of the store was half pinoy. she was born in the philippines but her parents are from india and her husband is the same too but was born in the mountain province. we were surprised when she started telling us in our language about the prices of the items in the store. we were caught off guard.
we started sailing may ll with royal caribbean adventure of the sea and we did stay on the 8th floor of the ship overlooking the promenade. we started sailing to the farthest scheduled port of our tour which was barbados. monday was spent at the sea. we docked at barbados, tuesday morning. we went to st. lucia on wednesday, antigua on thursday, st. maartem on friday and last, st. thomas on saturday.
st. maartem and st. thomas are the places you want to go if you want to go shopping especially on jewelry.
before anything else, during our absence, there were people whom we would like to extend our thanks. these people were the one who looked after our place, the two dogs and fishes. thank you christie, frankie, norm, mel, tracy, loiuse and of the course the duo of tim and francis.
i did propose to norm and mel that even though that i have seen most of the southern caribbean island that i don't mind going back as long as we go on a cruise next year as a family group. it will be a wonderful experience as a family. i don't have any idea if everybody could join but one thing for sure, the umali's are geared for that.
it was an enjoyable cruise. we were bunch of pinoy from scarborough and mississauga. the total attendees were close to fifty. we were able to request the head waiter to cook for us adobo, pancit and "shrimp" sinigang aside from our scheduled dinner meal.
we arrived home 1am. monday. since it was a public holiday, we just stayed in bed for the rest of the day.
since my scheduled holiday was for two weeks, i started painting the living room and the hallways. as of writing, i'm almost done with my painting except the basement area and rooms.
there are so many things to do but you could only do it after work and weekends. hopefully, i will be able to finish some of it before the hot weather arrives.
thanks to francis for helping me. he did paint parts of the living room and then he fainted for two hours in our computer room bed. life in the big city.
tim moved to their new house a week ago. it is big. it looks like the christmas gathering for this year is set at major mackenzie and bathurst.
i will try to update my blog whenever i could. i don't want to be stuck at the "amidst of gift". i'll try to keep in touch as much as i can. again, sorry it took awhile.
after the kitchen has been renovated, the commander in chief and i went to a southern caribbean cruise. we flew to san juan, puerto rico last may 10 and went around the place. there is similarity with the old quebec to san juan. during our short stay in san juan, we passed by a souvenir store by the tourist area and bought t-shirts. the proprietor of the store was half pinoy. she was born in the philippines but her parents are from india and her husband is the same too but was born in the mountain province. we were surprised when she started telling us in our language about the prices of the items in the store. we were caught off guard.
we started sailing may ll with royal caribbean adventure of the sea and we did stay on the 8th floor of the ship overlooking the promenade. we started sailing to the farthest scheduled port of our tour which was barbados. monday was spent at the sea. we docked at barbados, tuesday morning. we went to st. lucia on wednesday, antigua on thursday, st. maartem on friday and last, st. thomas on saturday.
st. maartem and st. thomas are the places you want to go if you want to go shopping especially on jewelry.
before anything else, during our absence, there were people whom we would like to extend our thanks. these people were the one who looked after our place, the two dogs and fishes. thank you christie, frankie, norm, mel, tracy, loiuse and of the course the duo of tim and francis.
i did propose to norm and mel that even though that i have seen most of the southern caribbean island that i don't mind going back as long as we go on a cruise next year as a family group. it will be a wonderful experience as a family. i don't have any idea if everybody could join but one thing for sure, the umali's are geared for that.
it was an enjoyable cruise. we were bunch of pinoy from scarborough and mississauga. the total attendees were close to fifty. we were able to request the head waiter to cook for us adobo, pancit and "shrimp" sinigang aside from our scheduled dinner meal.
we arrived home 1am. monday. since it was a public holiday, we just stayed in bed for the rest of the day.
since my scheduled holiday was for two weeks, i started painting the living room and the hallways. as of writing, i'm almost done with my painting except the basement area and rooms.
there are so many things to do but you could only do it after work and weekends. hopefully, i will be able to finish some of it before the hot weather arrives.
thanks to francis for helping me. he did paint parts of the living room and then he fainted for two hours in our computer room bed. life in the big city.
tim moved to their new house a week ago. it is big. it looks like the christmas gathering for this year is set at major mackenzie and bathurst.
i will try to update my blog whenever i could. i don't want to be stuck at the "amidst of gift". i'll try to keep in touch as much as i can. again, sorry it took awhile.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
after 6 days of messy surroundings, our kitchen is now renovated. relatives and guests who had seen my kitchen before will somehow be surprised. from the flooring up to the last coat of paint, it was the commander-in-chief taste all the way. my role is just to bank roll the project. it is good thing that c.i.b.c. is trusting me with their money.
the next move is to put back all the things in its proper places. while doing so, we are planning to repaint the walls of the dining room, living room and the hallways so it will blend to the color of the kitchen. looking at it now, i have to do section at a time. i don't think i could get away from just painting the color on top of the existing paint since the paint that is now on the wall is somehow dark and one that is coming is lighter.
if frank will be able to extend his hands, he is now an expert in remodelling and painting, this task will be a breeze before our scheduled holiday.
it will be nice working hand in hand with him. there will be no dull moment while we are doing the task because of his singing. i'm pretty sure that trae had an earful when they had their condo repainted.
the next move is to put back all the things in its proper places. while doing so, we are planning to repaint the walls of the dining room, living room and the hallways so it will blend to the color of the kitchen. looking at it now, i have to do section at a time. i don't think i could get away from just painting the color on top of the existing paint since the paint that is now on the wall is somehow dark and one that is coming is lighter.
if frank will be able to extend his hands, he is now an expert in remodelling and painting, this task will be a breeze before our scheduled holiday.
it will be nice working hand in hand with him. there will be no dull moment while we are doing the task because of his singing. i'm pretty sure that trae had an earful when they had their condo repainted.
Monday, April 14, 2008
september is the month that we are all anticipating for. people from the west coast are planning to attend timmy's bachelorhood ends. since most of them are coming, we have decided to make some changes in our place before september comes.
one of the changes that we are intending to do is to renovate the kitchen. since we moved here last july 1988, the kitchen has been always the same. we just changed the paint of the cupboards and walls.
we were able to hire the contractor that was referred to us by john and queenie. the price is just what i'm hoping for and i'm pretty sure that by the time we started cooking on our new range and putting our cooked food in our new fridge it will be more. it will take at least two weeks to finish. so in two weeks it will always be "take out" dinner everyday for us.
do i hear anybody inviting us to come over for dinner? we will not be so selective and the invitation has to come from the heart.
one of the changes that we are intending to do is to renovate the kitchen. since we moved here last july 1988, the kitchen has been always the same. we just changed the paint of the cupboards and walls.
we were able to hire the contractor that was referred to us by john and queenie. the price is just what i'm hoping for and i'm pretty sure that by the time we started cooking on our new range and putting our cooked food in our new fridge it will be more. it will take at least two weeks to finish. so in two weeks it will always be "take out" dinner everyday for us.
do i hear anybody inviting us to come over for dinner? we will not be so selective and the invitation has to come from the heart.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
odds and ends
it has been awhile since i touch my blog for updates. it is not that bad considering that the last time that i blogged was march 15. frank, one of the blogger police, reminded me the other day that i'm due.
today, there will be a surprise party for my brother jojo. it will be his 60th birthday. it will be held at his daughter's brampton home and the place will be rocking at 4pm.
jo, as i call him, is the second to the youngest in the family. since i'm the youngest, we did have an ups and downs relationship which is normal during our younger- younger years. while we were growing up, we did have our differences, i'm always right and he is always wrong. he settled down at an early age of 17. he and my late sister-in-law nelia, had their first child, poleng, after 5 years of waiting. anna and christie followed soon.
they immigrated in canada in early 80's. now the three daughters have a family of their own.
jo is the side kick of his common law wife, lynda who is an insurance representative. his main task is to be a designated driver and input in the computer the necessary info regarding pertinent clients. i do admire and respect my brother from what he had accomplished so far considering the education that he attained.
hoping he'll have many more birthdays to come and we wish him the best of everything.
as i predicted, our fil-american contestant in american idol, ms. malubay, finally got voted out last week. truly, there are so many contestant that are better than her. point and case, the lady with tatoos on her right biceps is one of the hurdle she has to overcome. knowing the filipino community, they will embrace her for what she accomplished during her stint in the american idol. i'm just wandering when will an asian american be an american idol champion? whenever it is , the cell is still in the bag and by that time it happens, i might be 6ft below the ground.
going back from the audition until the magic 24, i don't see any korean, japanese and chinese participants. with the exception of william hung couple years ago, it is always us "flips" who always in there. i guess, we filipinos loves to sing even in times that we are mad. i know a woman who makes her own tune and sing the words she wants to blurted out to her husband. the neighbors thinks that she is just singing an opera. what a way to disguise as long as the husband is taking it all in. it is called SPONTERANEOUS singing.
before i end, written or verbal comments are appreciated especially if you are a blogger or non-blogger who is a silent participant.
the snow is starting to melt and warm weather is almost upon us. pretty soon, backyard bbq is an open season. time to go to the park and enjoy the breeze of air of summer.
today, there will be a surprise party for my brother jojo. it will be his 60th birthday. it will be held at his daughter's brampton home and the place will be rocking at 4pm.
jo, as i call him, is the second to the youngest in the family. since i'm the youngest, we did have an ups and downs relationship which is normal during our younger- younger years. while we were growing up, we did have our differences, i'm always right and he is always wrong. he settled down at an early age of 17. he and my late sister-in-law nelia, had their first child, poleng, after 5 years of waiting. anna and christie followed soon.
they immigrated in canada in early 80's. now the three daughters have a family of their own.
jo is the side kick of his common law wife, lynda who is an insurance representative. his main task is to be a designated driver and input in the computer the necessary info regarding pertinent clients. i do admire and respect my brother from what he had accomplished so far considering the education that he attained.
hoping he'll have many more birthdays to come and we wish him the best of everything.
as i predicted, our fil-american contestant in american idol, ms. malubay, finally got voted out last week. truly, there are so many contestant that are better than her. point and case, the lady with tatoos on her right biceps is one of the hurdle she has to overcome. knowing the filipino community, they will embrace her for what she accomplished during her stint in the american idol. i'm just wandering when will an asian american be an american idol champion? whenever it is , the cell is still in the bag and by that time it happens, i might be 6ft below the ground.
going back from the audition until the magic 24, i don't see any korean, japanese and chinese participants. with the exception of william hung couple years ago, it is always us "flips" who always in there. i guess, we filipinos loves to sing even in times that we are mad. i know a woman who makes her own tune and sing the words she wants to blurted out to her husband. the neighbors thinks that she is just singing an opera. what a way to disguise as long as the husband is taking it all in. it is called SPONTERANEOUS singing.
before i end, written or verbal comments are appreciated especially if you are a blogger or non-blogger who is a silent participant.
the snow is starting to melt and warm weather is almost upon us. pretty soon, backyard bbq is an open season. time to go to the park and enjoy the breeze of air of summer.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
i have been following the american idol lately due to ms. malubay who is among the remaining 11 contestant vying to be the american idol for 2008. i want to see how long she will last.
the first filipino-american by the name of jasmin lasted to the top 3 and about two years ago a male filipino american lasted not that long.
one thing i seem to notice, filipino-american contestant seems that their choices of songs are not compatible to their voices. they seem to fell in love with the slow tempo. i know that filipinoes love to sing songs that are romantic and in one way or another that the messages that the song brings has attachment to them. i guess their parents has an influence in their selection of songs.
there was a filipino canadian girl who got in to the magic 12 of canadian idol. every week that i watched, ballad after ballad. she has a beautiful voice, just like my wife when she is taking a shower (just inside the shower where her voice really has volume and it echoes as if celine dion is performing her last show in las vegas. as always, i'm staring, standing up and applauding because of her body not the song). what i'm saying , the judges and viewers, never saw how well her voice is if she step away from doing slow tempo music. she didn't last that long too.
i think, these contentants should hire themselves a music coach who can advice them on what songs to sing. they can also advice them if the song can be re-arrange in such a way that it will be accepted. they should go to" frank- talanday's voices unlimited".
these filipino-american-canadian contestants have one thing in common, they are all 6-footers. if they are standing on a 2 foot stool. it reminds me that ms. malubay has a similarity with "things in life" eyes and the height of the "lady lonely traveller and daddy's princess".
now, if you will excuse me.... i would like to sing "ip the fictures faints"..........
the first filipino-american by the name of jasmin lasted to the top 3 and about two years ago a male filipino american lasted not that long.
one thing i seem to notice, filipino-american contestant seems that their choices of songs are not compatible to their voices. they seem to fell in love with the slow tempo. i know that filipinoes love to sing songs that are romantic and in one way or another that the messages that the song brings has attachment to them. i guess their parents has an influence in their selection of songs.
there was a filipino canadian girl who got in to the magic 12 of canadian idol. every week that i watched, ballad after ballad. she has a beautiful voice, just like my wife when she is taking a shower (just inside the shower where her voice really has volume and it echoes as if celine dion is performing her last show in las vegas. as always, i'm staring, standing up and applauding because of her body not the song). what i'm saying , the judges and viewers, never saw how well her voice is if she step away from doing slow tempo music. she didn't last that long too.
i think, these contentants should hire themselves a music coach who can advice them on what songs to sing. they can also advice them if the song can be re-arrange in such a way that it will be accepted. they should go to" frank- talanday's voices unlimited".
these filipino-american-canadian contestants have one thing in common, they are all 6-footers. if they are standing on a 2 foot stool. it reminds me that ms. malubay has a similarity with "things in life" eyes and the height of the "lady lonely traveller and daddy's princess".
now, if you will excuse me.... i would like to sing "ip the fictures faints"..........
Thursday, March 6, 2008
last night after watching the ladies edition of the american idol i was able to see portion of the new reality show called "moment of truth".
the object of the show is for the contestant to answer question truthfully and could win $500,000.00. it sound so easy and simple but after the watching the contestant answered the first six questions right, in which she won $10,000.00 and moved on to the next series of questions with another price bracket, i turned off the tv.
the contestant immediate family were part of the show and acting as a coaches for her. the six questions that were asked, i consider them as a touch and go questions even though it was inclining to a more personnal note. the higher the pot is, the more personnal it gets or put this way, the higher the jackpot the more you will air your dirty laundry and one wrong answer will ruin all your winnings.
life in this world is not filled with bed of roses. everyone of us has its share of dark moments. not everyone will ever know the truth about you except for you to divulge. in my opinion, participating in this kind of reality tv show is just putting yourself in a position you want to be. how low could you go?
the object of the show is for the contestant to answer question truthfully and could win $500,000.00. it sound so easy and simple but after the watching the contestant answered the first six questions right, in which she won $10,000.00 and moved on to the next series of questions with another price bracket, i turned off the tv.
the contestant immediate family were part of the show and acting as a coaches for her. the six questions that were asked, i consider them as a touch and go questions even though it was inclining to a more personnal note. the higher the pot is, the more personnal it gets or put this way, the higher the jackpot the more you will air your dirty laundry and one wrong answer will ruin all your winnings.
life in this world is not filled with bed of roses. everyone of us has its share of dark moments. not everyone will ever know the truth about you except for you to divulge. in my opinion, participating in this kind of reality tv show is just putting yourself in a position you want to be. how low could you go?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
auto show
the other day i was in the mood to cook so i made my original recipe "spicy garlic squid". mind you, i didn't cook a lot, so portion of the dish, i have to give to a friend who likes that dish so much.
she works with toyota canada and in return, she gave me two tickets to the auto show which i think was a complimentary to them.
i was going to give the tickets to frank but he is tied up and so much appointment to fulfill, the commander in chief is happy to babysit the "CEO" and tim is not available in the weekend. so i ended up inviting my buddy cris.
the last time that i went to the auto show was many many many moons ago. it was held near the airport and the place is called 'international center'. nowadays, it has been at rogers center and metro convention center combine.
it was good that we started early to go around the place. we saw cars that are really pricey , the car that will be for tomorrow and todays car. it was nice to see so many different cars. by the time that i have seen them all, i started to get tired from walking and the place starts to get crowded which the male group outnumbered the female spectator.
due to the recent spike in gas price, i'm more interested at cars which are not gas guzzler. the 2009 toyota matrix and 2008 honda civic are the two cars that interest me most. i have 1998 honda crv with 260k's in it, the commander in chief owns and jockeys that car. when i say owns, what it means, i have to ask permission in advance if i could drive it even though the car is under my name.
since our second car which is 1988 cutlass supreme with less than 200ks in it will eventually croak, i'm thinking of having another car. i haven't seen the specs on both the matrix and honda, but my brain is leaning on one of those two cars. their financing is 0.9% so i couldn't go wrong.
if my budget will have an extra dough to spare and when the weather starts to warm up, i'm pretty sure i'll be able to afford a new car.
Friday, February 15, 2008
valentine / concert
women has a lot of special days in a year. the most important day in her life is her birthday. then, the wedding anniversary, mother's day and of course, valentine.
it is the same ritual every year during valentine day. the men likes to buy their women bunch of long stem red roses and chocolates. men like to buy their women the most meaningful card they could find which i find sometime a bit annoying because a lot of those cards messages are 'corny' in someways or put in a laymen's word..pooh of a cow.
men doesn't have to wait for valentine to show their women how much they love them. the guy doesn't have to buy a dozen of long stem red roses and chocolates. all it takes is to be a molly maid on a weekend, be a chef every now and then, warm up her car and yours in a cold winter morning and be a street veterenarian ( walking the dogs) every night.
by doing so, getting lucky will happen not only on valentines day and other special occassions but on days that business is close due to bad weather.
received a phone call from a fellow blogger that celine dion has a special program on tv. it was a concert to promote her latest cd and it was taped in l.a..
honestly, i'm not really an avid fan of celine. she has songs that are exceptional. the cd that they made in las vegas for her farewell concert which i wrote in my previous blog is by far better than the one in l.a. the latter is flat probably due to sound, choreography and props.
i was disappointed. at the end of the show...guess what....i didn't stand up and applaude. watching and listening to frank's rendition of "o canada" with norman doing the second voice is magical and more entertaining than this concert.
it is the same ritual every year during valentine day. the men likes to buy their women bunch of long stem red roses and chocolates. men like to buy their women the most meaningful card they could find which i find sometime a bit annoying because a lot of those cards messages are 'corny' in someways or put in a laymen's word..pooh of a cow.
men doesn't have to wait for valentine to show their women how much they love them. the guy doesn't have to buy a dozen of long stem red roses and chocolates. all it takes is to be a molly maid on a weekend, be a chef every now and then, warm up her car and yours in a cold winter morning and be a street veterenarian ( walking the dogs) every night.
by doing so, getting lucky will happen not only on valentines day and other special occassions but on days that business is close due to bad weather.
received a phone call from a fellow blogger that celine dion has a special program on tv. it was a concert to promote her latest cd and it was taped in l.a..
honestly, i'm not really an avid fan of celine. she has songs that are exceptional. the cd that they made in las vegas for her farewell concert which i wrote in my previous blog is by far better than the one in l.a. the latter is flat probably due to sound, choreography and props.
i was disappointed. at the end of the show...guess what....i didn't stand up and applaude. watching and listening to frank's rendition of "o canada" with norman doing the second voice is magical and more entertaining than this concert.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
yesterday, i called up my supervisor and informed him that i'm not coming for work today. instead i went to my family doctor and had my left shoulder checked. its been bothering me for almost two weeks now. since i'm a dedicated worker (joke! joke! joke!-"pinas " style), i just ignored the pain even though i could hardly drive. i even applied those heated medicated plasters (salompas) which didn't do any good. the situation is not getting better. so i went to my nearby family doctor.
he prescribed for an x-ray, physiotherapy and 10 tablets of "celebrex" 200mg. i have just taken the first tablet after our dinner at "wasabi" with the commander-in-chief, seyla, frank (francis) and teacher trae. so far the pain is subsiding. i'll find out tomorrow morning the results.
during our dinner, teacher trae gave me an idea what to discuss in my blog. she said that the blogger police will not be on my tail because i'm on a roll regarding my blogging. anyways, she said to write something about my and commander-in-chief computer.
two weeks ago, the blogger police was at my e-mail advising me that i'm logging off at my blog. the blogger police doesn't have any idea that i'm having a problem with my commander-in-chief regarding the usage of our computer.
before she got involved with this travel business, i used to sit down and do computer stuff after dinner and will break for at least an hour for me to take out the two love of her life four legged friend, feed my inheritance from timmy (fishes) and then comeback finish the rest of the day infront of the computer.
now it is different. on a week nights, after dinner, i will just have a glimpse of people who sent me messages. i can't reply back. then it will be her turn until around 11:30 p.m. and by that time , i'm already snoring in our bedroom. on weekends, the session starts after lunch.
lately, she is asking norm to look for an affordable laptop. i hope norm can find her one at her price (which i doubt) so i could be back to my normal usage of our computer and i don't have to get up so early, 4am to be exact, just to respond to some of my friends messages.
note: there was a guy who beat the charge against him in court regarding the incoming traffic radar warning. same token, daddy's princess, watch for the blooger police.
he prescribed for an x-ray, physiotherapy and 10 tablets of "celebrex" 200mg. i have just taken the first tablet after our dinner at "wasabi" with the commander-in-chief, seyla, frank (francis) and teacher trae. so far the pain is subsiding. i'll find out tomorrow morning the results.
during our dinner, teacher trae gave me an idea what to discuss in my blog. she said that the blogger police will not be on my tail because i'm on a roll regarding my blogging. anyways, she said to write something about my and commander-in-chief computer.
two weeks ago, the blogger police was at my e-mail advising me that i'm logging off at my blog. the blogger police doesn't have any idea that i'm having a problem with my commander-in-chief regarding the usage of our computer.
before she got involved with this travel business, i used to sit down and do computer stuff after dinner and will break for at least an hour for me to take out the two love of her life four legged friend, feed my inheritance from timmy (fishes) and then comeback finish the rest of the day infront of the computer.
now it is different. on a week nights, after dinner, i will just have a glimpse of people who sent me messages. i can't reply back. then it will be her turn until around 11:30 p.m. and by that time , i'm already snoring in our bedroom. on weekends, the session starts after lunch.
lately, she is asking norm to look for an affordable laptop. i hope norm can find her one at her price (which i doubt) so i could be back to my normal usage of our computer and i don't have to get up so early, 4am to be exact, just to respond to some of my friends messages.
note: there was a guy who beat the charge against him in court regarding the incoming traffic radar warning. same token, daddy's princess, watch for the blooger police.
Monday, February 4, 2008
even though her health is not what used to be, her mind is still sharp especially if you are discussing "MONEY".
she is the founder and chief ceo of the "alalay philippines foundation", a charitable institution known for their humanitarian assistance for the needy.
the barrientos clan is blessed and we hope she will still be around for another 20 years. from the love and constant prayers of people that surrounds her and also from people that she was able to touch, i think mom will be with us for awhile.
a b-day greetings also to cristy who is celebrating her b-day tomorrow and will be a full time housewife come april. i hope i will be able to join her for a nice "kare-kare" dinner.
lastly, it will be norm's b-day feb. 10. i'm hoping i'll get invited to magic wok. an order of deep fried squid and a plain rice that will do me good. as for dessert "FRESH RIPE DURIAN" fruit.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
i like going to concerts. the beauty of going to casino rama or even to niagara casino is after you have made your donations to the wheel of fortune slot machine welfare fund, there is a concert to go afterwards. some of the performing artists are stars who were well known during their hayday. they are the same performers who doesn't get an invitation to the oscar anymore. some of the artists are in my generation. their music suits my ears.
two weeks ago, i was able to watch a live taped concert in las vegas by celine dion. she is not in my generation but her performance during that concert is worth buying the cd. from the first song until the end, i was in "awe". the choreography and props were just amazing.
and so the other day, halfway of my lunch hour in sheppard/brimley, i came across a cd of celine dion's concert in las vegas selling for half price. i have been watching it many times now and i don't get tired watching over and over again especially the duet she did with mr. frank sinatra and the song is called "all the way". it really brings back memories.
let me tell you something, every time the show ends, i always stand up and clap my hands as if i am in a real concert.
two weeks ago, i was able to watch a live taped concert in las vegas by celine dion. she is not in my generation but her performance during that concert is worth buying the cd. from the first song until the end, i was in "awe". the choreography and props were just amazing.
and so the other day, halfway of my lunch hour in sheppard/brimley, i came across a cd of celine dion's concert in las vegas selling for half price. i have been watching it many times now and i don't get tired watching over and over again especially the duet she did with mr. frank sinatra and the song is called "all the way". it really brings back memories.
let me tell you something, every time the show ends, i always stand up and clap my hands as if i am in a real concert.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
nice to be remembered
people from 'pinas' called as early as 5:30a.m. and people around here started pouring in calls before 8a.m.
it is really nice to be remembered on your special day. it gives you the feeling that they love and care for you.
i hope i can celebrate more b-days in my life. with God's blessing and graces, i might be able to see my son's children children in the near distant future.
cheers for good health!!!!
ps. my 57th year "look"
Friday, January 18, 2008
cell phone
hello everybody, i'm back. sorry that it took me several days to touch my blog again. thanks to the blogger police and reminded me that i'm a little bit behind updating my blog.
anyway, last november, i've been discussing with the commander-in-chief about having my own cell phone. i have been using the company's provided cell phone ever since. mind you, i don't pay any cent for having that phone. last november, there was a plan that they will try to eliminate outside call from our cell phone. also, i have this feeling that our incoming and outgoing calls are being monitored. since communication among relatives and friends are very important, i decided to get my own as soon as i arrived from my short tour of "pinas".
luckily, francis changed phone and i inherited his old phone. he activated and got the phone no. for me as a birthday gift. i'm in the "pay as you go plan". since i learned texting when i was in "pinas", i text my brother boy every now and then for little things that needs attention. less expensive and you really have to decipher what the other party is trying to convey.
as always , phone owners change their phone as to adapt to the current trend. i'll be doing that eventually. in the meantime, i'm happy on what i got even though i need a hearing aid to what the other party is saying or put it on a speaker phone or eventually send a text message. is that right frank?
anyway, last november, i've been discussing with the commander-in-chief about having my own cell phone. i have been using the company's provided cell phone ever since. mind you, i don't pay any cent for having that phone. last november, there was a plan that they will try to eliminate outside call from our cell phone. also, i have this feeling that our incoming and outgoing calls are being monitored. since communication among relatives and friends are very important, i decided to get my own as soon as i arrived from my short tour of "pinas".
luckily, francis changed phone and i inherited his old phone. he activated and got the phone no. for me as a birthday gift. i'm in the "pay as you go plan". since i learned texting when i was in "pinas", i text my brother boy every now and then for little things that needs attention. less expensive and you really have to decipher what the other party is trying to convey.
as always , phone owners change their phone as to adapt to the current trend. i'll be doing that eventually. in the meantime, i'm happy on what i got even though i need a hearing aid to what the other party is saying or put it on a speaker phone or eventually send a text message. is that right frank?
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
last night the "commander" is back from california. she left the day (dec.28) after my arrival. we haven't really had the chance to talk because her mind was more focused to her sick brother in california.
it is now official, as of last night, my bachelorhood days are now over. i'm back to the normal flow of life here at 34. sometimes you need those changes to make your relationship better. being a bachelor for a month made me ponder on what to expect when time comes that one of us has to leave this world. it will be sad but then, one must accept that it is a reality.
about her brother, as of writing, he is out of the hospital and treatments are being done at home. collective and individual prayers are so powerful that the doctors were so amazed that he is still breathing since they have given him 48 hrs. to live. lets just hope that the healing grace of God will always shine upon him.
this afternoon, i went to my hairdresser and have my hair cut short almost to the roots. i decided that i will stop coloring my hair for awhile to give it a chance to be normal again. i really don't have any idea when will this last. it was a big difference. makes you wander, is it really worth?
it is now official, as of last night, my bachelorhood days are now over. i'm back to the normal flow of life here at 34. sometimes you need those changes to make your relationship better. being a bachelor for a month made me ponder on what to expect when time comes that one of us has to leave this world. it will be sad but then, one must accept that it is a reality.
about her brother, as of writing, he is out of the hospital and treatments are being done at home. collective and individual prayers are so powerful that the doctors were so amazed that he is still breathing since they have given him 48 hrs. to live. lets just hope that the healing grace of God will always shine upon him.
this afternoon, i went to my hairdresser and have my hair cut short almost to the roots. i decided that i will stop coloring my hair for awhile to give it a chance to be normal again. i really don't have any idea when will this last. it was a big difference. makes you wander, is it really worth?
Saturday, January 5, 2008
happy b-day to tenga-lingling
tears flows easily when he wants to say words in a very sincere way. he is not that well lately due shortness of breathe. oxygen has been at his side most of the time now.
hopefully he will still be around when daddy's princes goes home for a visit. also, when his siblings reunite one more time in"pinas".
happy b-day utol!!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
happy b-day to ate tessie
kuya boy and ate tessie were instrumental for my enjoyable stay in the philippines. they looked after me during my recuperating period from the episode of lbm. i was down for almost a week. thank you for the warm reception and accomodation.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
foods for the season
today, trae was so good enough to teach me how to put pictures and attachments to my blog and e-mail. since "old fart" like me is a computer illiterate, i wrote down all the necessary steps and info that "teacher trae" has to offer.
since i promised that i'll be attaching pictures taken during my stay in the philippines in my very first blog, i have compiled pictures that are foods for the season.
the first picture is called "puto bungbong". this food comes during x'mas season. it is cook on a steaming kettle with two outlets where the "bungbong"(bamboo trunk) sits on those two outlets until the purple sticky rice is cooked. it is a snack that goes well with homemade "pandan"tea.
the second picture is called "sinigang na manok sa sampalok". you could have this kind of dish here in toronto but the difference is the chicken is native . when i say native, the chicken is out in the field, sort of a wild chicken. the taste is different compared to the local chicken you buy in the grocery store. the yellow stuff are tamarind leaves that brings up the taste of the dish. truly, i don't mind having this "sinigang na manok" almost everyday as long as the chicken is native and lots of tamarind leaves as veggies.
the third picture is the "imbutido" specialty of my sister-in-law tessie. you could have this dish here too, but this imbutido is a bit different because it comes only on special occassion. just like the x'mas "ham" that a guy i know cooks.
i hope i can post more pictures in the next day or so. i don't want to get stuck in the snow that hit toronto first week of december (to my fellow blogger-you know who i mean).

since i promised that i'll be attaching pictures taken during my stay in the philippines in my very first blog, i have compiled pictures that are foods for the season.
the first picture is called "puto bungbong". this food comes during x'mas season. it is cook on a steaming kettle with two outlets where the "bungbong"(bamboo trunk) sits on those two outlets until the purple sticky rice is cooked. it is a snack that goes well with homemade "pandan"tea.
the second picture is called "sinigang na manok sa sampalok". you could have this kind of dish here in toronto but the difference is the chicken is native . when i say native, the chicken is out in the field, sort of a wild chicken. the taste is different compared to the local chicken you buy in the grocery store. the yellow stuff are tamarind leaves that brings up the taste of the dish. truly, i don't mind having this "sinigang na manok" almost everyday as long as the chicken is native and lots of tamarind leaves as veggies.
the third picture is the "imbutido" specialty of my sister-in-law tessie. you could have this dish here too, but this imbutido is a bit different because it comes only on special occassion. just like the x'mas "ham" that a guy i know cooks.
i hope i can post more pictures in the next day or so. i don't want to get stuck in the snow that hit toronto first week of december (to my fellow blogger-you know who i mean).
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