last oct. 16 -20 the "neck" and her siblings met in last vegas for the celebration of ate babes and her b-day. i was fortunate not only that i got invited for the celebration but also accepted the title the "back up", financially for the neck. as you know, i'm the chief executive and financial officer of our household while she earned the title of the "chief disbursing officer".
we almost not made it in las vegas due to the "neck" sudden change of health on the eve of our departure. fortunately, we were able to contact her former boss who is a doctor and he called "shoppers" for the prescription drug that she requires. it was almost closing time when i was at the counter receiving her prescription. thanks to you tony.
we've been to las vegas so many times now and we haven't been to grand canyon. so as soon as we arrived that afternoon of oct. 16, i phoned that place that the "lonely travellers" recommended for the tour. the "neck" didn't make it to the tour due to her condition that time, so i was by myself among the passengers who went in pairs.
it was a beautiful experience especially walking to that west rim "skywalk". it cost me $38us extra to have that walk on that glass and seeing whats below me. some people will think twice before they will take that option but since i'm already there, i took the option so i won't deny myself and got no disappointment of my expectations of the grand canyon.
it was a whole day affair. we left the bus depot at 8:30am and came back to the hotel almost 8pm. going home, our bus broke down in the middle of the dessert so another bus has to come. it was frustrating since we left grand canyon early. we were stranded for two hours. as soon as i reached our room, there was a note left by the "neck" that i'm suppose to follow the "group" at venetian hotel inside the tao restaurant.
the food in "tao" is excellent. the place is suited and designed for the young. the amount of food that we ordered and the bill that we paid, personally, i rather go to magic wok. the food at "wynn's buffet" is almost identical to the one we ordered at "tao". it was my former hs classmate and friend, buddy jose and wife, rosie, who brought us to wynn. it cost $40/person for the buffet and there is a wide selection of food.
oct. 20, i met my first cousin bembi, who i haven't seen for 30 years. he treated us for brunch at rio's. we met his wife annie for the first time. they have six gasoline stations and convenience stores spread out as far as boulder city. it was annie who brought us to the premium outlet after brunch, the neck and belen went shopping.
we catched the red eye flight to chicago and arrived toronto next morning at 9am.
during our absence, our furnish and air conditioner were finally RELOCATED to their proper places. i thought it will be done by spring of next year which i mistakenly predicted. the furnish is in high efficiency mode while the airconditioner is still disable waiting to be charged up and hooked up electrically. thanks to tim and co worker for job well done. i'm just waiting for a new programmable thermostat to be installed and cover for my disable air conditioner.